Hmmmmm.. this doesn't seem to be right. Have you ever seen a toaster that spits out sparks when toasting a bread?. (This is definitely a first for me). Since I was rushing for work, I just warmed the bread with microwave oven instead and leave the poor toaster alone
Once I got home from work, I took the toaster and try again. (yea.. I'm very curious fella). Seeing that there's fire sparks again, I quickly press the eject button. Then I shone the torchlight into it.
Tadaa.... Here's what I found.
Here's another photo for the poor lizard after taken out of the toaster.Lizard, R.I.P.
Lesson of the day:
The warmest place ain't the safest place.
Luckily U Didn't Kena The Karan... If Not ... Sure U Become The 2nd Cicak Man.... Wahahahhaha....
hi there! dropping by! hehe nice blog you have who would've thought that the lizard would pick such a place to die...LOL
thanks for dropping by. :)
antchin :
at lest cicak man got superpowers ,:P
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