Thursday, August 02, 2007

fate / 缘分

缘份是一种很奇怪的东西。要是时机不对,它是不会出现的。虽然你和你将来认识的人可能已经在你身边围绕了很久,但是你们俩就是没有发觉到对方。这就是说你们都没有缘份。有时,却是有缘没份。比如说,遇上一个心仪的女生,可是她却有了男友。读者们,都有类似的经验吧? 不管怎么样都好,在同样的场合上课/上班,在公司或学院认识到对方,都是一种缘份。所以,我觉得应该珍惜你身边的人。

fate is a strange "thing". It will not happen randomly but on a precise time. It will happen at the right time. Even though the person you might meet in the future could've been around you for some time already, but you two just didn't notice each other.That's fate. Sometimes, it is fate that we meet a certain person at certain time. We can't really question fate. For example, I might find a girl that I think she's interesting but she's attached. That is fate. I think some of readers have the same experience before ? It is fate that brought all of us together. Be it studying / working under one roof, knowing each other through studying, working is considered fate. So, appreciate the people around you.


Update: the yellow colored text was the suggested translation from Cely, which I think sounds better. Thank you!!!!


Anonymous said...

这是你的内心话?那么有感触? :)

MaN|acZ said...
