Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Broga hill , I came, I saw, I conquered

Veni, vidi, vici

Well , about a month ago. A colleague of mine suggested we take a hike to Broga Hill (茅草山),being a first time hill climber, I was of course a bit.. erm.. misinformed. So, my colleague, Alex was kind enough provide me with a guide to Broga Hill climbing.

First of all, one should bring a backpack with some of these items:
a) 1.5 litre of water
b) face towel
c) snack bar
d) Mosquito repellent

Secondly, you should bring some spare clothes to change once you get down from the hill.  (There are actually 4 peaks on this hill)

On the way up the hill, we saw a lovely lady with her dog ( I have no idea what breed is this).

Just before we went up the first peak, we took a photo (well, excluding myself. haha)
  Look at how crowded it was, we actually have to wait at the bottom for the people on the top to come down, so that we can go up.
Looks like she's climbing a peak eh?  Actually she's on top of some rocks. haha
(failed ) goofing pose around a bit.
We finally reached the peak (4th and final peak). There's another hill which like 3 KMs away , I can't remember the name anymore.
Interesting rock.
Goofing around again.

A shot when going down hill.

The Broga Hill sign which greets climbers.

On the way to our car, we saw an old couple who are rubber tapper. Some youngsters decided to give rubber tapping a try.  Here is one of them.

More to come,.......