Since I told you I was going to tell you about the Singaporeans story in Putrajaya Dragonboat festival, here it is.
In the midst of the competition, we were standing quite near the (pier/jetty?), all of sudden, there was this bunch of Singaporeans throwing their female teammates into the water.
Then it was followed by another, by another and another.
Here are the results.
Don't know what's wrong with these Singaporeans.
Update: Those in red t-shirts and black short pants are the so called crazy Singaporeans, yea the little girl in pink is one of them as well. :P
After passing by Putrajaya while on the way to MINES one day, I noticed there were number of banners hanged around the light poles stating that there's a Dragon boat festival held in Precint 6 of Putrajaya. Once I reached home from MINES, I started checking out the Internet and calling my friends to see whether they are interested to attend the event.
So, the date was set, arrangements were made. Since most of us were quite busy, so we only we could make it to attend the Dragonboat festival final day which was sunday (06/06/2009). But once we reached there, looking at how quiet the place was, I was starting to doubt whether this event was going to dissappointing event (since this the first Dragonboat festival in Putrajaya).
While on the way close to the venue like (500-600Ms), there were indeed some banners of the festival here and there, which is good sign I'm at the right place. But the strange thing is, the sign to the public parking was so small, you probably notice when you're about 10-20 metres to the sign.The fonts were so small, you swear probably putting "PUBLIC PARKING" sign was the last thing on some idiot's mind. Of course, it wasn't hard to spot the parking when you're about 100-200 metres, when you can see all the cars lined up neatly near the entrance to the Dragonboat festival.BUT STILL, MAKE IT BIG AND DAMN CLEAR FOR THE VISITORS!!!!
Thank goodness, the parking was surfaced with stones instead of the sand (compared to the poorly maintained oil palm car park in F1 circuit, will talk about it another time.) Even if it rains, it wouldn't cause much of a problem for people to walk to their cars either.So, there's a plus.
Now, we reached the venue for Dragon boat festival. We've walked around and checked out some of the booths they have, (there are TouchNGo booths, Spastic Children Association (can't really remember) booths, food booths). Then we reached the Water Sports Complex when you get sit on a proper chair to watch the event.
We've waited around for 15 minutes or so. But the event still haven't start, it was probably around 3.30pm? We walked more and check out other booths, we saw booths selling burgers, kueh, kuew teoh,kebabs,KFC,Pizza hut, Rasamas and etc. We also found out there's small "beach" in front the Pullman Putrajaya hotel Lakeside located not far from the Dragonboat festival venue. Then finally , the race started. The boats did line up at the starting grid (is that the proper word?). But instead of starting together, they queue up and start in sequence.Seriously, give me a break.
WHAT KIND OF STUPID RACE IS THIS when each teams starts in sequence? WHERE DID THE ORGANISERS PUT THEIR BRAIN? IS THIS EXCITING TO WATCH?! I'll show what's a PROPER RACE. The quality is no good, but this is what I call a proper RACE. DAMN IT!
FOR THIS, I have give 2 thumbs-down for Putrajaya Dragonboat festival. Even the starting grid has no banner hanging on top STATING "START / END", hello?!.. can I at least know where is the starting line?!
At the end of the day, watching Singaporeans throwing their teammates into the water is more exciting to watch than the Dragon boat festival itself. (more of this later).
Update: It seems I've checked a few websites / forums, the races do start with teams racing in parallel. But I don't understand why the last day, this format has changed and all the teams are racing in sequence.